
Tom Waits - Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis

Someone from EARPHORIA posted this song/video a few days back, and I loaded it on a separate tab. I had been listening to the song in the background while surfing through the net, so I wasn't paying much attention to it. I stopped the track halfway, because my roommate wanted to talk to me, afterwards I just started to listen to a different song I also loaded.

Due to the storm that came the next day, we had no internet connection in the dorm.  And although it limited the things I could do, It also made me focus on what I could do. My preloaded tabs are still intact, and so in a bid to close unnecessary tabs, I listened to this track again from the top.

First off, I now notice Tom Waits voice, what I can only compare to Neil Armstrong, I'm not always the biggest fan of smokey raspy voices, but when they work, it's magic.

Then I realized the uploader also posted the lyrics to song. And it is frickin' heartbreaking. It's a good thing I'm not listening to this on Christmas or I'll just become a depressed party pooper.

This song did not actually cause LSS, but rather I kept thinking about the song all night. I'm a sucker for songs that are virtually like short stories.


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