
The Emotions - Best Of My Love

After a good hour of Igal rehearsals, Sir Matt calls it a day and leaves us to tidy up our rehearsal space. Any sort of cleaning requires a soundtrack, and I randomly clicked on this song on my files. Usually if I were alone in the house, it's more likely than not that I will have an impromptu dance party (or flailing party, as some might describe it.) Fortunately, I was with like-minded (or happy-crazy-i-don't-really-care-if-this-looks-weird) ladies, Isay and Krisna, so we just start busting a groove to the song. 

Can you blame us? Listen to it! You just don't fight the urge people. Dance every chance you get!

Doesn't take much to make me happy

And make me smile with glee

Never never will I feel discouraged
'Cause our love's no mystery

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